Saturday, July 3, 2010

Connection 2010

Foursquare Connection...that is my husband!!!

Foursquare Connection...Me in the blue shirt...Thursday night main session

Foursquare Connection...Thursday night main session

Thursday night sound check...Dean and Keren listening to the sound
Mike and Sean tuning up

Mitchell and Ose leading the choir...I'm in the blue shirt!

Our new president, Glenn Burris

Tuesday morning sound Sean in the white shirt

Saturday night rehearsal

My first Chicago style hot dog! From a cart! In the park! In Atlanta! It was awesome!

Centennial Olympic Park

I almost forgot to blog about Atlanta! It was hot. It was humid. It was rainy. There you go. The road trip wasn't really that bad. I helped drive, but I got to sleep also. I only had one claustrophobic panic attack. So, it was good. Being in tight, enclosed places for very long freak me out. Especially a car. That smells like butt and feet. That's the downside of road trips. No matter how much deodorant people matter how many times they brush their teeth in the gas station matter how many times you roll down the window...the car always ends up smelling like butt and feet. Our car wore that nasty smell for a few hours of the trip.

My stupid foot was really bad that week we were there. So, I ended up not doing very much. It was just too painful to walk. I decided to catch up on some Law & Order episodes (even though I rarely watch the show) and sleep! It was good! I did meet some new people, and that was nice!

Dean and Keren, my friends and pastors, were asked to lead a few worship sessions for Connection. I think I heard there were about 3500 people there. Sean played guitar in the worship band. I got to sing in the choir during the Thursday night session. Being up on the stage with lights and clocks and stuff was a little intimidating. But it was a really special honor and privilege to be asked to participate. I'm thankful for the time. It was awesome!

The sessions and workshops were full of good information. Francis Chan spoke one night! Challenging stuff I tell ya! It was a good trip.

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