Thursday, April 16, 2009


I should have edited a note to add to my last post. But I guess I'm on a somewhat new line of thinking. Well. I wish I had a book here with me called Extreme Righteousness: Seeing Ourselves in the Pharisees. I read that book in college for my Matthew class. I think I need to read it again. I wonder if I am a Pharisee. So legalistic. So pious. So self-righteous. So self-consumed.

How can I have a true relationship with God living like that? It seems like my attitude would get in the way. My excuses would get in the way. It seems like that type of relationship would be all about control. Does a Pharisee think they can control their righteousness by what they do?

Over the past couple of weeks, I've realized how much of Pharisee I've become and have been. I can't believe how free I feel, how liberated I feel to know I can have a relationship with Christ based on just having a relationship!!! I feel like I've discovered something brand new!

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