Monday, April 20, 2009

life is a highway

and I do not want to ride it all night long. Sometimes life gets confusing, I guess. At least I'm confused right now. Nothing really makes sense. I'm just having a weird time. I'm awaiting some answers on some things in my life. I keep listening. I keep looking at my phone to see if an email came. I keep talking to some people hoping to hear the answer I'm looking for. I've been waiting in a room all morning with my son at a health clinic. It is no fun waiting. I played with my phone. I watched the video they were showing. I napped. I stared. I listened to everyone talking around me. I prayed. I made annoying noises with my water bottle. I almost cried a few times...from waiting for so long! Waiting isnt' fun. I guess waiting is what you have to do sometimes to get what you want. I was starting to think the doctors made us wait to be called last on purpose. Or maybe they forgot we were even there. What if God forgets I'm waiting? I guess He and I aren't working on the same time table, so maybe there's no danger there. What do you do while you wait? Do you sit patiently in your chair until your name is called? Or, do you bother the receptionist every 10 minutes to see if you're next?

1 comment:

Sara said...

Wow! Well, you can do both it think! Whatever makes the waiting bearable. The persistent widow got her request because she just wouldn't let it drop! Kinda like a toddler, I think!! May you waiting end soon....