Thursday, July 23, 2009


My blog title is very appropriately named. I do forget things. A lot. More than I really want to admit. This has been a very stressful summer for me and my family, so the forgetfulness has drastically increased. Sometimes it's funny. And sometimes it's not. Forgetting is frustrating. For me, it is. It's weird because I'm a good list-maker. But lately, I never check anything off my list!

But you know, it's all coming back to me now...

I forgot that I don't have to get everything done. I forgot that I don't have to be overwhelmed. I forgot that the valuable, important things come first. I forgot that I need God's peace. I forgot. I don't know how I forgot. But I did.

But you know what the good thing is? I remembered today.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Good words! Thanks!