It's not January 1 or even close. But it's a new year for me. Why can't I have a party?
My new year's adventure is getting my duck tape business up and going. I have lots of orders already. I even have a prospective business partner. She's 11. I think that's awesome. I needed a new hobby. I just decided it was going to be duck tape.
These are some of the duck tape choices I have available.
The print in the bottom right corner that is hard to see is Super Mario Brothers.
I know you are dying to know net profits and capital gain. I will be putting together an annual financial report.
Isn't capital gain when the state capital gains more money? Geez.
I'll hire a financial advisor to report about Duck Tape Creations by Lita. Or I probably won't. Because I don't think anyone is too worried about it.
May the force be with you.